Jamie's Quick and Easy Food Mustardy Beef

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Cook this: Jamie Oliver's five-ingredient meltin' mustardy beef

Oliver's slow-cooked beef stew comes together with minimal prep time

Our cookbook of the week is 5 Ingredients – Quick & Easy Food, by celebrity chef and restaurateur Jamie Oliver. Over the next four days, we'll feature recipes from the book and an interview with its author.

To try another recipe from the book, check out: amazing dressed beets; and chicken pot pie.

Slow cooking can fit the criteria of speedy and simple cooking, Jamie Oliver says. Case in point is this savoury stew from his latest cookbook, 5 Ingredients – Quick & Easy Food.

If your knife-work is deft, it will take eight minutes to dice and brown the beef, chop the carrots, quarter the onions, and stir in the Worcestershire sauce and mustard. From that point on, you can sit back and let the oven do its thing.

"My theory and my belief is, if you come home from work and put something together in well under 10 minutes but then just sling it in the oven or put it on a simmer, that's also quick," Oliver says.

"There are things (in the book) that come together in three or four minutes, get topped up with water and simmer away for an hour and then you've got a massive feast at the end of it. I think speed can come to you in different ways."

Note: Ensure that you have olive oil (for cooking); and sea salt and black pepper (for seasoning) at hand. These pantry staples aren't included in the ingredient list.

5 Ingredients — Quick & Easy Food
Every recipe in Jamie Oliver's new cookbook calls for just five key ingredients. Photo by HarperCollins Publishers Ltd.

Serves: 6
Fast prep: 8 minutes
Slow cook: 4 hours

2 lbs (907 g) beef shank, bone out (ask your butcher for the bone)
1 lb (454 g) carrots
2 onions
1/2 cup (125 mL) Worcestershire sauce
2 heaping tsp (10 mL) whole-grain mustard

Step 1

Preheat the oven to 325°F (165°C). Place a large shallow casserole pan on a high heat, with a large non-stick frying pan on a high heat alongside. Dice the beef into 2-inch (5-cm) chunks and toss with a generous amount of black pepper and a pinch of sea salt, then dry fry in the hot frying pan with the bone for 8 minutes.

Step 2

Meanwhile, wash and trim the carrots, chop into 2-inch (5-cm) chunks, and place in the casserole pan with 1 tablespoon (15 mL) of olive oil. Peel and quarter the onions and break apart into petals, straight into the pan, stirring regularly. When the meat is nicely coloured, tip it into the casserole pan, then stir in the Worcestershire sauce and mustard, and cover with 3 1/4 cups (800 mL) of boiling kettle water.

Step 3

Cover, then cook in the oven for 4 hours, or until the beef is meltingly tender. Loosen with a splash of water, if needed. Taste, season to perfection, and serve.

Calories: 348 kcal | Fat: 18 g | Sat Fat: 6.4 g | Protein: 34 g | Carbs: 13.4 g | Sugar: 11.8 g | Salt: 1.5 g | Fibre: 1.6 g

Recipe from 5 Ingredients – Quick & Easy Food by Jamie Oliver ©2017. Published in Canada by HarperCollins Publishers Ltd. All rights reserved.


Source: https://nationalpost.com/life/food/cook-this-jamie-olivers-five-ingredient-meltin-mustardy-beef

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